2022年12月8日出版.J. Mistretta
休斯顿(12月. 8, 2022) – 的 大休斯顿伙伴关系 forecasts the 休斯顿 region will see significant job growth in the year ahead, 但究竟有多少增长以及哪些领域的增长,在很大程度上取决于美国经济能否实现增长.S. 在2023年陷入衰退,随后的衰退深度和持续时间都将持续.
休斯顿’s economy is more directly tied to the national economy than at any other time in recent memory and will almost certainly follow the U.S. 陷入衰退. 随着经济学家越来越多地认为,美国经济将继续增长.S. recession is inevitable—thanks in large part to rising interest rates designed to slow inflation—the question now turns to what that recession will look like and how it might affect specific industries.
的 休斯顿地区经济展望 publication was released in conjunction with the Partnership's event by the same name on December 8. 在伙伴关系的基线预测中, 休斯顿在2023年上半年经历了短暂而轻微的衰退, 随着第三季度经济恢复增长. 这可能意味着净收益约为60,800个工作岗位——略低于该地区65个的长期平均水平,000 to 70,每年新增就业岗位10000个, 但仍然有很大的增长. 如果休斯顿能完全避免经济衰退的话, 伙伴关系的“最佳情况”设想, 该地区可能会有多达79个,2023年新增200个工作岗位. However, if a recession is prolonged, growth would likely be limited to a gain of just 30,400 jobs.
即使在最坏的情况下, 休斯顿’s core industries are well-buffered to handle the downturn and will not see wholesale job losses, 根据预报. 不管情况如何, 增长最强劲的将是该地区的建筑业, 皇冠HGA010官方下载, 政府, 卫生保健, 专业服务, 餐饮业.
Partnership Chief Economist Patrick Jankowski puts the likelihood of a short and shallow recession (the baseline) at 50%, (最好的情况)接近30%, 而且很有可能, 经济衰退持续20%.
“当商业领袖们预计经济衰退的时候, 他们不会让它破坏他们的计划,扬科夫斯基说. 在最近的一次CEO调查中, 世界大型企业联合会发现,98%的受访者预计经济衰退将在12-18个月内出现, but 86% plan to maintain or increase their capital budgets and 44% plan to continue hiring during the downturn. “That tells us that business is prepared for what’s coming, but more importantly looking beyond it.”
根据德州劳动力委员会的说法, 火箭增加了令人难以置信的144个席位,到今年10月,Hga010皇冠软件下载将创造1万个新工作岗位. Partnership President and CEO Bob Harvey said he’s pleased with the region’s economic momentum. “当Hga010皇冠软件下载展望2023年,展望未来, 我对休斯顿的前景非常乐观, 尽管可能出现经济衰退. We have our challenges—from ensuring we lead on the 皇冠HGA010官方下载 transition to effectively competing for top talent—but each time 休斯顿 has been underestimated, Hga010皇冠软件下载取得了胜利. 我相信这种情况将再次出现.”
A sector-by-sector breakdown of the jobs forecast and the factors impacting each industry can be found in the 完整的报告.
大休斯顿伙伴关系致力于使休斯顿成为最适合居住的地方之一, 努力创业. 作为本地区的经济发展组织, the Partnership champions growth across 12 counties by bringing together business and civic-minded leaders who are dedicated to the area’s long-term success. 代表950个成员组织和大约五分之一的地区劳动力, 合作伙伴关系是公司聚集在一起产生影响的地方. 欲知详情,请浏览 休斯顿.org.
A.J. Mistretta